In a digital age teeming with cyber threats, Koddos emerges as a high-end hosting savior. With an unwavering commitment to security, they've built a formidable infrastructure that not only mitigates the fiercest of DDoS attacks but also ensures continuous, interruption-free service.
As others have pointed out in the reviews think the value for money with Koddos is very good. The Bitcoin integration is also much easier and better to set up than on my previous host. Other hosts I've used promise a lot before you are a customer, but when you hit a snag their support usually consists of referring you to their knowledge base ...beyond that they want to charge you. Great job, thanks their team a lot.
Сайт и страницы периодически не открывается с первого раза. Яндекс.маркет по нескольку раз на дню шлет письма, что сайт недоступен. Постоянно ошибки индексирования страниц. Короче, адимны, не занаю, что там за узкий канал у вас... Делайте что-нибудь. Это невыносимо. Хорошо оплатил месяц на пробу. Я от вас ухожу к другим. Для такого качества услуг это очень дорого.
Koddos is quite beginner-friendly. Their account management dashboard/client area is very easy to use, and so is their cPanel. It doesn’t matter if you’re a newbie or hosting expert, you’ll find Koddos easy to use.
Is Koddos secure?
Koddos does not joke around with security. In fact, the host utilizes modern technologies to secure your website from all kinds of attacks, from the simple ones to the sophisticated ones.
What are some good Koddos alternatives?
Some good Koddos alternatives are Hostinger, The Onion Host, Webcare360, and GoDaddy. udbyder professionelle anmeldelser om web-hosting, helt uafhængigt af andre virksomheder. Vores anmeldelser er objektive, ærlige, og anvender den samme evaluering til alle de anmeldte.
Økonomisk kompensation modtages fra de firmaer vi anmelder. Kompensation i form af service og produkter, har ingen indflydelse på retningen eller konklusionen af vores anmeldelser. Ej heller påvirker kompensationen vores ranglister for visse hostfirmaer. Støt hjemmesideejernes fællesskab, ved at tilføje din ærlige anmeldelse af web-hostingudbyderen for din hjemmeside