Yes, you get a 60-day money-back guarantee across many packages.
Yes, you can install WordPress through scripts while using the Softaculous software manager.
You can use Credit Cards, PayPal, and Bank Transfers.
No, unfortunately, you have to contact the support team to remove your credit card.
You have access to cPanel.
Yes. The shared hosting and cloud hosting plans have a 60-day money-back guarantee while the VPS and dedicated hosting plans come with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Florida, United States. It is located at 618 E South Street, Orlando, FL.
Peter Darazhanski. He serves as the Founder and current CMO.
cPanel. TMDHosting uses the latest cPanel to help clients manage their website backend.
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Økonomisk kompensation modtages fra de firmaer vi anmelder. Kompensation i form af service og produkter, har ingen indflydelse på retningen eller konklusionen af vores anmeldelser. Ej heller påvirker kompensationen vores ranglister for visse hostfirmaer.
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